Citizens need to put a harness on Justin Trudeau

Take away  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Canada, Prime Minister ability to spend our money. Our Prime Minister many times referred to as a Git, has begun to spend the Canadian citizens to the poor house. You only need to click on a search how much has Trudeau increased the national debt, a whopping 35.3% from 2015-2022. This is debt your Great Grand Kids are going to inherit. Do we want this ……………

to be our legacy for generations to come? I think not!! According to, Canada has one of the largest debt burdens among developed nations.

We cannot possibly continue down this path. Inflation has hit so hard that all walks of life are feeling the wrath. How has Justin Trudeau added to inflation?  Find out what the experts say. Now the decision we need to make as citizens and voters in our supposedly democratic and free country is how to go about this.


Possible Ways to Curb our Prime Ministers Spending Habits.

One way I figure would involve taking away the cheque book and credit cards and replacing them with a set of crayons or colored pencils along with a coloring book. For the credit cards because they are plastic, we supply him with an Itzy Keys Tropical from Babies R Us so he still has the feel of plastic in his fingers?

Second way would be contacting our local MP and find a way to put an over sight committee on him to ensure that spending limits are reigned in. I realize that spending is required for our country to function, but come on some of the items that he spends on are not needed. Type in ” examples of Justin Trudeau spending unnecessarily ” and read some of the results. You will probably be surprised.

Last but not least I can think of off hand is to simply vote him out and get a new government in place. It is only a matter of time before the NDP get tired of the lies and false promises that our Prime Minister is famous for. That could not come soon enough. Majority of people are hoping it comes before he bankrupts our country and drops us to a third world status. Let us all work on taking away Justin Trudeau’s ability to spend our money!!!

If you can think of more ways please feel free to contact this author and give us your opinion. We would love to hear from you!!


Having to WORK for a living!! Does our Prime Minister Justin, understand the concept?

I wonder if Justin has any calluses on his hands or anywhere on his person. Does he know what it is like to earn an honest days living? (honest is the key word. Remember what he does for a living? LOL) This man was in all likely hood brought up with privilege and handed most things he wanted. Not having to work hard for it.

I do not think he knows what it is like to receive minimum wage or close to it. I do not think he knows what it is like to rob one part of your budget to pay another. What it is like to worry everyday that you will be able to put food on the table or gas in a vehicle so you can get to that low paying job so you can earn enough to keep the family fed and the lights on. No my friends he has no idea.

Do Canadians Need to Pay For The Countries Who Do Not!

If he even had the remote idea of what it is like, for so many Canadians he, would not be shoving Carbon Taxes and other crap down our throat. I am a believer in reducing greenhouse gases. Getting the world ready for our generations to come. But I fail to see how Canada as a fairly unpopulated part of the planet can do all the heavy lifting while other industrialized countries. I.E. China, United States, India and so on can continue to pollute and not put a price on carbon. Yet our Justin and his disciples insist on making us pay a price. Can we afford this? Make him pay. Elect another PM that listens!!!!

Let us as Canadians elect a Prime Minister who knows the meaning of a hard days work. Let our Present PM go out and earn a living. I am sure many business owners will hire him to shovel the cow pies at the ranch, monitor the counter at the service station. These are all honest work. The question has to parts. 1) can he work?  2) does he know honesty?

With this being said I sign off for now and hope you enjoy the read. Comments are always welcome and feel free to contact me at this site.

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