Is it not time to have our elected officials take their foot off the spending peddle? Even the Bank of Canada governor mentioned last Wednesday (October 25, 2023) that the spending the Liberal government is doing adds to our inflation numbers. I could see this being a necessary evil if they were spending more on the Canadian citizens whom they were duly elected to service. Still, it seems it is going to other nations instead of being spent at home where the crisis is also happening.

Our Prime Minister seems to believe he can spend as much and as often as he feels. He does not seem to realize it is the citizens and businesses of this great nation who have entrusted the government to use our money as fit. But do we not have a say in where it goes and how it is spent?

It seems like every day we hear of our government giving money to other nations. $10 mil here, $50 mil there and so on and so on. I realize that there is a certain amount of charity expected of the countries in the world that have a better economy and a better way of life financially than those that do not. I certainly believe in charity, but I also believe in the old saying that charity begins at home.

Let us look at some of the projects Canada gives money to. Here is a clip derived from a Google search. See how much we give in aid. ” In FY 2021/22, Canada’s spending on international assistance reached CAD7. 6 billion ( US$ 6.1 billion), followed by a record-high CAD8. May 31, 2023 ” Here is another one that will blow your socks off. We have had some serious issues with our Chinese counterparts in recent years. Take for instance the two Micheals. Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig after 1019 days China finally released these two captives. Now here is the sticker. All this time our government is still giving aid to the Chinese. ” The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives provides small grants for projects across China that address environmental sustainability, good governance, civil society development, and rights protection for disadvantaged groups. ” As of Aug 9, 2023, Go and figure that one out.

These are just some of the examples of our government’s frivolous ways of spending the taxpayer’s money and not being held accountable for the spending. I think that the federal government, mainly the fearless leader, reminds me more of a pirate as my last post a while ago mentioned than a Prime Minister of a G7 country.

I am wondering if Justin might have a printing company somewhere in the country. Chances are it is called ” J.T. Insta Print “. We will print your money in any denomination of Canadian currency and give it to you free of charge. I wanna get in on this. Myself and many others see this prime minister doing the same things his father did before him Same crap as before. From trying to kill Alberta’s economic engine to piling so much debt up it will take 7 generations to pay it off.

At least his father has a legacy to leave that we can thank him for. He brought home Canada’s constitution. This one we have now has nothing to leave as a legacy except the thought that we do not trust him. From his holiday on the island to the SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. affair. He has done nothing but B.S. and lie to the citizens of Canada.

I say you contact your MP in your area and demand that an accounting of spending should be done. I am sure with a forensic audit of books we may find some funds going into the pockets of individual friendlies of the Liberal Party.

OH! I am standing corrected. There will be one thing that he has left with us. The damn Carbon tax that is devastated lower-income families and made it difficult for others to also get by. The federal government has always stood by the policy that the rebates in the carbon tax will make up for what we pay. That, we found out the week of October 22 – October 28, 2023, when the government took away the carbon tax on home heating oil for 3 years, was a blatant lie. If the rebate made the difference they never would have suspended it.

Come on Mr. Prime Minister. Come clean and scrap the tax. We are the only country in the world paying for pollution. How about other countries start to pay before you have us go broke paying for the rest of the world?

Better yet!!! Why don’t you get your ass out of that position and let the men of this country lead us? That position is not for snot-nosed, silver-spooned, spoiled rich kids with the ethics of a rattlesnake and the honesty of a gypsy thief. You may RSVP this post and we will have someone arrange for your topple from the throne.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post. Quit spending our future. Start spending some money at home. Start helping the homeless, the veterans and the working poor of this country instead of trying to buy the love of other world leaders who will never think any more of you than a court jester and a pee-poor politician. Go back to where you came from and live your privileged life. We do not need you nor want you around.

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